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person pointing finger for help with formalities after death

List of organizations to notify in the event of death and personalized notifications

Identify each organization and personalize the process

person pointing finger for help with formalities after death

When a loved one dies, those close to them have to deal with a host of administrative formalities that can be complex and difficult to manage.
Claimants often don't know who to contact to take these steps, or how to go about it.

That's why we offer a personalized service and share with you the list of organizations to notify in the event of death.

Track down each organization to manage formalities

After a death, it's essential to take care of all the formalities with the various organizations to be notified in the event of death, to avoid problems later on.

We explain everything you need to know about managing formalities after death, why it's important and the list of organizations to notify in the event of death.

This is just one of the many steps required after a death.

Glasses on the list of organizations to notify in the event of death

The importance of contacting all organizations

It's important to contact all the organizations that need to be notified in the event of death, in order to manage the formalities. Each organization has its own specific procedures to follow and documents to provide. 

Failure to contact an organization can lead to delays in processing formalities, or even penalties if certain steps are omitted. 

So, it's crucial to make sure you contact all the organizations involved to avoid any inconvenience. 

Postumo can help you get started.

Steps to follow to manage formalities efficiently

Managing the formalities following the death of a loved one can be complex, requiring you to contact all the organizations that need to be notified in the event of death, keep track of administrative schedules, and draw up an inventory of the formalities required to complete the various procedures.

It is necessary to gather all the documents needed to manage administrative procedures..

couple looking at a computer list of organizations to notify in the event of death

List of authorities to notify in the event of death and documents to provide :

Each post-death formality is specific and requires different documents. It is therefore essential to know all the steps to follow to avoid any delays or errors.The administrative formalities to be completed in the event of death vary according to the situation of the deceased. Among the organizations to notify in the event of death are : 

The Town Hall

Declare the death and obtain authorization to close the coffin;

The prefecture

Obtain a pass to transport the body to another commune or abroad 

The pension fund

Requesting payment of survivor's pension;

Primary health insurance fund (CPAM)

Obtaining reimbursement of medical expenses:

List of organizations to notify in the event of death and documents to provide :

Each post-death formality is specific and requires different documents. It is therefore essential to know all the steps to follow to avoid any delays or errors. The administrative procedures to be followed in the event of death vary according to the deceased's situation. The documents and procedures listed here are intended to provide you with the best possible support without having to know the deceased's life story. Each person is unique, so this information is not exhaustive, but is intended to help you understand the formalities following a death.

Among the organizations to notify in the event of death are :

The bank

Block bank accounts and close current contracts:

The tax office

To regularize the tax situation of the deceased and their heirs. Depending on the deceased's situation, other organizations may need to be contacted in the event of death (for example, the military service for a veteran).

The notary

Drawing up a declaration of inheritance and dividing up the deceased's assets;

The funeral home

Organizing a funeral:

vieux monsieur: organization to notify in the event of death

The complexity of requests and the time required

It takes several weeks, even months to finalize all death-related procedures.

In addition, apart from contacting the organizations to be notified in the event of death, most beneficiaries don't always know how to fill in the forms, what documents to provide or how to proceed for each step.

Personalize your procedures with Postumo

Depending on the life history of the deceased, Postumo identifies precisely which administrations and organizations are concerned. To notify them, individualized letters are immediately available for dispatch.

Pre-filled individualized letters
are immediately available for dispatch. These documents are personalized and come with the following forms CERFA forms (when offered by the organization). Some procedures can be done online via the web link we provide.

Pre-filled individualized letters

These documents are personalized and come with the CERFA forms (when offered by the organization). Some procedures can be done online via the web link we provide.

Handling administrative formalities after death

These documents are personalized and are accompanied by CERFA forms (when offered by the organization). Some procedures can be carried out online via the internet link we provide.

These procedures can be complex and time-consuming. That's why we've developed a service that simplifies them, tailoring them to the deceased's life history and notifying the relevant organizations in the event of death, depending on the situation.

Our service for identifying the organizations to be notified in the event of death enables us to determine the formalities to be carried out according to the situation. We then take care of the automatic preparation of the necessary documents and their regular updating as the situation evolves. We are aware that these formalities are often difficult to manage for the beneficiaries, who have to cope with the pain of a loss.

Our service helps to simplify and individualize the procedures following a death, by taking charge of sending personalized letters and providing the necessary documents for the duration of the process. We are there to support families through this difficult period by contacting the organizations to be notified in the event of death, to help them manage the administrative formalities.

Why choose Postumo to support me?

In addition to identifying the organizations to notify in the event of death and individualizing the procedures, we offer other services to support loved ones during this difficult period: 

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The first 100 % online platform for automating death notifications
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The first 100 % online platform for automating death notifications
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