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About us

Unfortunately, after the loss of a loved one, and following the funeral, you suddenly have to deal with the formalities and other administrative hassles that cannot be avoided. Because you can't know everything, and there are so many more important things to think about. Our online services enable a person to safeguard all important informations which will be useful to loved ones when the time has come, but also the services facilitate the preparation of all notification of death immediately, and without errors.  familles qui ont perdu un proche de les aider à réaliser leurs démarches décès quickly and error-free from home. 

There are no common approaches following death, because everyone's life story is unique, so are the formalities.

Notre but est d’assister à préparer toutes les formalités nécessaires avec les bonnes informations to help bereaved families avoid administrative pitfalls and identify financial or social assistance schemes depending on the customer's situation.

Postumo is an innovative company whose team has developed the most advanced online platform on the market, enabling in-depth reviews to be carried out using almost twenty key themes required for declarations.

Our values

logo of postumo values in these after-death services

The core values that drive our team are those of TrustHumanity, and Simplicity.  

  • To us, Trust is "the mother of our values", because it's a mutual promise of transparency and respect for our commitments, enabling you to get through this difficult period without a care in the world.
  • People are at the heart of our mission. Our values of Humanity are designed to create a bond of empathy with people who are suffering the loss of a loved one. Our personal experience of losing a parent has made us aware of this difficult subject; these values compel us to focus our services on families, in order to offer comprehensive help to as many people as possible.
  • The values of Simplicity are first and foremost preferences chosen and lived. We believe that in these complicated times, sobriety and discretion have real meaning. We aim to simplify complex things by offering assistance in line with our customers' expectations.

Our history

Behind every project is a team and a story.

Postumo was born from the experience of two brothers, Julien and Franck Ridon, after the death of a grandmother and then an aunt. Unfortunately, the distance between heirs, the difficulty in understanding whom to declare the death to, in finding certain papers, the lack of communication, the confusion with the role of the notary in these procedures, etc., all led to the loss of social benefits for which a relative was eligible, but also to oversights in the forms that resulted in financial penalties.

Hence the idea of creating Postumo to simplify procedures for all beneficiaries, wherever they may be, and thus prevent them from finding themselves in the same situation. They realized that each person's life path is unique, and that administrative formalities need to be as well.

Julien and Franck are the co-founders of Postumo.The common thread running through their professional careers is support and digital technology. With over twenty yearsexperience in wealth management, real estate, banking and insurance, and digital technology, they have developed expertise in these fields, creating a unique digital offering.

They now hope to help as many bereaved families as possible to simplify these tasks and ensure that their formalities are complete.

Postumo is a French company backed by the Banque Publique d'Investissement (BPI France).

founder of postumo and expert in post-death formalities
founder of postumo and expert in post-death formalities

Our partners

Our vision

Supporting bereaved families and those accompanying their loved ones at the end of life by offering simple, high-quality, humane assistance.

Nous souhaitons faire une différence dans la vie des familles en les soulageant face à la dépendance mais aussi face au décès afin d’apporter plus de sérénité aux proches dans ces moments difficiles.

Our commitments

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What makes us different

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The first 100 % online platform for automating death notifications
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The first 100 % online platform for automating death notifications
Video: discover Postumo's online service